
The Character's Look as a Detail of the Description of his Communicative Behavior in the Novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" by M.A. Sholokhov

(Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

In the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned" by M.A. Sholokhov is considered the informative and eff ective signifi cance of the look.
The analysis of the role of the eyes in the communicative behavior of a character involves the identifi cation of possible functions of the gaze as an element of human communicative behavior. For this purpose, we have created a large selection of words and phrases that characterize the look. Based on the analysis of the identifi ed contexts, the originality of the communicative functional of the individual view of the character is determined; the fi nal characteristic of the communicative behavior of the protagonist is compiled.
In the text of the "Virgin Soil Upturned" there were 274 lexically marked references to the appearance of 38 characters with names and several without names. The distribution of references to the look in the novel is carried out in accordance with its functionality. The main attention is paid to the look as a detail of Davydov's communicative behavior.
In the novel there are 4 groups of communicative functions of the look as an instrument: 1) the realization of communicative goals; 2) the orientation of the participant in a communicative situation; 3) receiving information by an observer character who is not included in the dialogue; 4) determining the state, aims, expectation, mental work of the communicant from the author to the reader.
Describes how often a writer show a character's look as an element of communicative behavior. Understanding the nature of look is revealed through the analysis of the semantics of marker words (look, gaze, inspect, glance, etc.) and their immediate circumstances (attentively, intently, mischievously, for a long time, puzzled, etc.).
The conducted study of the look as a detail of the image of the communicative behavior of the characters of the novel "Virgin Soil Upturned " confirms the vitality of the images created by M.A. Sholokhov.
Sholokhov, "Virgin Soil Upturned", artistic detail, communicative behavior, look

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