Religious and Philosophical Interpretation of the Problem of Death by WritersDoctors in Russia in the Late 19th – First Half of the 20th Century
The article describes the views on the phenomena of life and death of Russian doctors, who became widely known in Russia at the end of the XIX – first half of the XX century due to their special writing talent, as well as the original religious and
philosophical ideas set out in their works. The author analyzes and compares several works of art by A.P. Chekhov, V.V. Veresaev, M.A. Bulgakov. and comes to the conclusion that they contain a synthesis of the Christian concept of death with the medical concept of this phenomenon. The article provides data on the acquisition of the experience of death by Russian thinkers in medical practice and everyday life, names a number of death-related religious and philosophical topics that were touched upon in their works, highlights elements of Christian and medical ideas about death. Based on the study of several works of art, a set of moral qualities
is described.
philosophical ideas set out in their works. The author analyzes and compares several works of art by A.P. Chekhov, V.V. Veresaev, M.A. Bulgakov. and comes to the conclusion that they contain a synthesis of the Christian concept of death with the medical concept of this phenomenon. The article provides data on the acquisition of the experience of death by Russian thinkers in medical practice and everyday life, names a number of death-related religious and philosophical topics that were touched upon in their works, highlights elements of Christian and medical ideas about death. Based on the study of several works of art, a set of moral qualities
is described.
God, life, doctor, faith, love, respect, patient, suicide, natural death, indiff erence