
Historical Memory as a Factor in the Revival of Russian Identity

(Integrated Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after Kh.I Ibragimov)

(Chechen State Pedagogical University)

The proposed article aims to establish the content of the concept of "historical memory", to reveal the features of its functioning, the impact on the joint development of the peoples of Russia, while forming a common identity of its peoples. Historical memory is considered in the context of collective public consciousness, which allows to realize a close connection between the historical past and the present and to determine the prospects for the development of society. Sociocultural analysis allows us to identify the signifi cant role of historical memory in establishing the self-identifi cation of the peoples of Russia, as well as in the revival of a common Russian identity in modern conditions. Its formation is carried out on the basis of awareness of ethnocultural features,
as well as in identifying general trends in their development. The positive potential of ethnocultural values as the most important
diff erentiation factor is substantiated, which is important to consider in the course of achieving socio-political integration of society
and the formation of an all-Russian identity.
In Russia, the multinational Russian people have their own national unity based on a common identity, representing strong
socio-cultural bonds that hold peoples and nations in the orbit of a single state, while maintaining geopolitical identifi cation.
historical memory, ethnic identity, all-Russian identity, culture, values, traditions, self-awareness

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