
Сollective Speech Portrait of a Scientist-Educator (Using the Example of Philologists of the Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

The article is devoted to the study of the speech portrait of a scientist-educator, conducted within the framework of the description of the personality sphere of the Southern Federal university. Based on the material of educational lectures of philologists, it is shown how the choice of linguistic means is influenced by factors dictated by a given communicative situation. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the goal and tasks facing a scientist delivering a popular science lecture determine the features of his speech portrait that manifest themselves in a given communicative situation. In the process of analysis, such
common features for representatives of the community as a special way of introducing terms, using precedent phenomena, reaching an emotional and personal level of interaction with the addressee of the speech, using elements of dialogization were identified.
All this contributes to the implementation of the intentions of the scientist-popularizer of scientifi c knowledge: to make his speech understandable to a non-specialist, to establish contact and interest the mass addressee in the content of the lecture.
speech portrait, linguistic personality, university personality sphere, popular science text, popularization of scientifi c knowledge

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