
The Conflictogenic Situation in A. Salnikov's Novel "The Petrovs in the Flu and Around It": the Linguistic Aspect of the Study

(Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

(Southern Federal University)

This study focuses on the linguistic peculiarities of artistic text, as well as on the linguistic means of expressing conflict.
The material of the research is one of the novels by A. Salnikov “The Petrovs in the Flu and Around It”. This article analyzes the confl ictogenes of different linguistic levels (morphemes, lexemes, grammatical forms) found in the text, their cognitive and pragmatic potential; one of the novel fragments is analyzed in detail in order to consider the implementation of conflictogenic situation in the novel. Analyzing the selected lexical units, the authors of the study concluded that the use of conflictogens in a literary work contributes to the writer's intention to create a painful, dysfunctional world.
conflictogenic situation, artistic text, confl ictogenes, lexical markers of conflictogenicity, A. Salnikov

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