
The Perpetuation of the Events and Participants of the Great Patriotic War in the Memorial culture of the Rostov Oblast: Stages and Trends

(Federal Research Centre of the Southern Scientifi c Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

(Federal Research Centre of the Southern Scientifi c Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

The memorial experience of the Rostov Oblast is of particular interest, since in 1941–1942 and in 1943–1945 it was a rear region, and in 1941–1943, it was a zone of military operations and German occupation. The purpose of the article is to identify the stag-es and trends in perpetuating the events and participants of the war in the memorial culture of the Rostov Oblast. The authors used the principle of historicism, a systematic approach, historical-comparative, problem-chronological and source studies methods. The authors mark out the following main stages of the memorialization of the events and participants of the Great Patriotic War in the Rostov Oblast: 1) the war years – registration and tidying up of the graves of Soviet servicemen killed in battle, 2) the post-war decade – systematization and consolidation of burials, installation of standard monuments, 3) the end of the 1950s – the end of the 1980s – creation of a signifi cant number of different memorials and their wide use in commemorative practices; 4) the Contemporary stage – creation of new memorials, increase of the number of memorial actors, and strengthening of state regulation in the memorial sphere.
Great Patriotic War, mass grave, military burial, historical memory, cenotaph, memorial culture, Rostov Oblast

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