
Deconstruction of Russian Identity in News Announcements in Electronic Media

(Federal Research Center Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences)

The role of the media in the development of the all-Russian identity is discussed in the article. The goal of the article is to show the role of the Internet media in strengthening or opposing the all-Russian identity using the example of the Internet resource “Rambler”. The methodological basis of the research are the ideas of "fluid identity" and "ethnic framing and coding". The empirical database are the results of the daily monitoring of news announcements and headlines located on the main page of “Rambler”. It is the announcements and headlines that have the greatest impact on the consumer of information. This database was compiled during the period from October 2016 to September 2018 and includes news announcements and headlines that have a negative or destructive
effect on Russian identity. The headlines touch upon diverse problems, in most cases not related to either Russian identity or the problems of identity at all. However, the form of the presentation of news often touches upon various symbols, causes associations and connotations, affecting the Russian identity. Such news announcements and headlines are usually deliberately provocative and do not correspond to the pathos of the entitled materials. The conclusion is made that in the pursuit of sensations, the appeal to destructive for Russian identity means became a part of journalistic routine. In fact, media indoctrination is unconsciously realized, the result of which is the deconstruction of the all-Russian identity and the formation of the negative identity.
identity, Russian identity, identity politics, negative identity, deconstruction of identity, media, medialinguistics

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