
Educational Practices of the Imperial Administration in the Caucasus in the 19th – early 20th Century as a Tool for Social and Administrative Incorporation

(North-Caucasus Federal University)

The article is devoted to a comprehensive examination of topical issues of educational incorporation of the Caucasus, included in the Russian imperial space. Particular attention is paid to local schools that are focused not only on economic needs, but also on the ethnic and confessional characteristics of the Caucasian region. Within the framework of a systematic analysis of a variety of empirical material, the educational role of individual outstanding personalities, represented by both Russian officers and
administrators, and recognized leaders of the regional intelligentsia, is clearly traced. Within the general framework of the chosen
topic, the real role of the Russian Orthodox Church, which was one of the main organizers of local educational practices, receives
a separate characterization.
education, school, politics, incorporation, empire, region, Caucasus

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