
Aphorism in the Text of a Bilingual Writer: Pragmatic and Semantic Aspect

( Abkhazian State University; Adyghe State University)

The article is devoted to the consideration of pragmasemantic characteristics of the aphorism in the text of a bilingual writer. The methodology of the research is determined by the multi-level nature of the textual-discursive phenomenon under study: the comparative-contrastive method, the method of analysis and synthesis, linguacultural and semantic types of analysis, and philological interpretation are comprehensively applied to the aphorisms. Based on the material of journalistic and essayistic texts of F. Iskander, it is proved that when choosing the Russian language, the second language to this writer, the syntactic structure, conceptual meanings and cultural codes characteristic of the Abkhaz national picture of the world, which forms the basis of his linguistic personality, are preserved. It has been established that the aphoristic works of F. Iskander implement lexical and syntactic components that reflect the semantic space of his native Abkhaz culture: the linguacultural markers of the conceptual content of F. Iskander’s aphorisms, the construction of syntactic structures in accordance with the principle of gradation based on explicit and implicit repetitions, the ring composition of aphoristic statements, the writer’s appeal to the pragmatic resources of the genre of parable and good wishes.
aphorism, pragmatics of utterance, cultural code, national picture of the world, bilingualism

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