The Jornal's Editorial Ethics of "The Caucasus Scientific Thought" (hereinafter - the Jornaul) is based on the principles set out in:

  1. Code of conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – Committee on Publication Ethics.
  2. Publishing Ethics, Publicshing Ethics Resource Kit – Elsevier.
  3. The Scientific publications Ethics Code of the "Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications» Non-Profit Partnership -

The editorial ethics is understood to be a set of rules which build the relationship between the employees of the Journal, with members of the editorial board, reviewers and authors on issues related to the publication of scientific materials in the Journal. The Editors and Editorial Board comply with the editorial ethics and prevent misconduct in the processing of materials. They assume the following obligations and scrupulously observe them in their activities. All points at issues/controversies concerning the compliance with these obligations are considered by the editor in chief (deputy editor) or the publisher.

Duties of Editors

Editors must not unwarrantedly castigate the author's text; if necessary, negotiate the final, edited version of the article with the authors.

Editors sould be respectful of the author and his work, trying to grasp his ideas, needs and wishes; editors should not dictate their terms to the author, but strive to maintain his creativity and scientific research.

Editors should bring about all contacts with the authors exclusively in benevolent, tactful tone.

Editors must not give the authors any preferences based on race, gender, and other circumstances not relating to the information validity and scientific significance of the work.

Editors are not to allow the publication of the work in respect of which there is sufficient basis to believe that they contain plagiarism, lack scientific value, do not correspond to journal's focus area and its editorial policy.

Editors provide the attraction of objective and competent reviewers; if necessary, carry out their substitution.

Editors must keep an editorial secret, ie do not disclose the process of article's work on and its content without the written consent of the author, do not allow to read author's manuscript to anyone other than the reviewers of the journal without the author's permission.

Duties of Reviewers

Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the received manuscript for review, do not provide it for review to others.

Reviewers should confirm / deny the actuality of the author's problem under consideration.

Reviewers should provide an objective and reasoned assessment of the author's argumentation, sufficiency / insufficiency of attracted sources, their theoretical innovation and practical relevance and presented research results.

Reviewer should also attract the attention of the executive secretary and chief editor if any significant or partial plagiarism is found in the reviewed manuscript.

Reviewers must not use unpublished manuscripts' materials.

Reviewers should inform the journal editors of lacking proper qualification for the objective evaluation of the manuscript and the circumstances that prevent such evaluation.

Duties of Authors

Authors bear the primary responsibility for the research novelty and reliability of the results.

Authors should provide novelty and validity of the research results; avoid knowingly false and fraudulent statements.

Authors should ensure that the results of the study outlined in the submitted manuscript to the journal, were original, and all used materials of other authors were issued with a precise indication of these authors and original sources.

Authors must avoid excessive borrowing and plagiarism in any form.

Authors in their manuscripts should acknowledge all the work that was of significance when carrying out the research and provide links to them.

Authorship of a manuscript should include the authors who have made significant contributions and exclude those who haven't made such a contribution.

Authors should provide a guarantee letter to the editor that the article is published for the first time and has not been previously published or sent to another journal.

Authors should informs Editors of the Journal in case of revealing significant errors or defects in the article on the stage of submission or after its publication.